Samarpreet Kaur | Ms SAMARPREET KAUR secured 100 % Result With (62.5) PI in CHEMISTRY Class XII | PGT Chemsitry |
Ms Parminder Kaur | Ms PARMINDER KAUR secured 100 % Result With PI(63.36) in CHEMISTRY Class XII | PGT Chemsitry |
Ms SAPANA | Ms SAPANA secured 100 % Result With (61) PI in GEOGRAPHY Class XII | PGT(GEOGRAPHY) |
Mr. Rajendra Babbar | Mr. Rajendra Babbar secured 100 % Result in Biology With (68.97) PI in Class XII | PGT (Biology) |
Mr. Amandeep Singh | Mr Amandeep Singh secured 100 % Result With (68.97) PI in Class XII | PGT(Physics) |
Ms. Monika Bhatia | Ms. Monika Bhatia 100 % Result in ACCOUNTANCY ,BUSINESSSTUDIES
With PI (66.94,60.89) in Class XII | PGT (Commerce) |
Mr. Mohit Singhal | Mr Mohit Singhal secured 100 % Result With PI (65.5) in Informatics Practices Class XII | PGT(Computer Science) |
Mr Ranjit Singh | Mr Ranjit Singh secured 100 % Result With highest PI in Class XII | PGT(Physics) |